The enclosure ditches in the south/east of area 11BD/CD

Stratigraphic Matrix Diagram



A system of enclosure appears to have been in operation in this area for a considerable period and required frequent re-cutting, probably as a result of stream action to the east. The west side of the area was increasingly wet towards the relict stream channel and some of the ditches contained water-logged material. The chalk natural was also heavily degraded in parts to form a sticky clay. Thirteen ditches were identified during excavation but more phases were almost certainly present. Two ditches had no relationships with other features (011CD08031 and 011BD01669) although they are also probably related to these enclosures. The northward continuations of several of these ditches were almost certainly recovered in the 11BA and 11BD trenches excavated across the stream channel further to the north. Two north/south aligned ditches in the north of 11BD (011BD01646 and 011BD01648) may also be associated with this set of enclosures. The earliest ditches appear further to the east than the later ones which have a steeper angle between the south and east sides. This may be reflecting changes in the stream level or the location of the channel itself.

Ditch 011CD20018 is of Roman date and is cut by all the ditches in the east side of the area. Similarly, ditch 011CD20015 (within document 011CD20017) is cut by ditch 011CD07110 and almost certainly by ditches 011CD07105 and 011CD07115 (probably cut through the top of the ditch but not recognised at the time of excavation). The north end of ditches 011CD07105 and 011CD07115 are cut by two small NE/SW aligned ditches (011CD08020 and 011CD08054). One of these ditches, 011CD08054, is cut by Grubenhaus 011CD07026. A sheep burial of undetermined date (011BD01658) and stone setting (011BD01542) lay over the ditches at the eastern edge of the site (011CD07112, 011CD07113 and 011CD07114). An early to middle Saxon date is probable for the enclosure ditches.

Decayed daub and buried soil



Four of the ditches in the south of the area contained fills with a high level of decayed daub. Patches of daub were visible before the ditches became apparent and were recorded as spits (011CD05115, 011CD05420, 011CD05422, 011CD05428 and 011CD05432). The daub is present in only the upper levels of the features and it would appear to be a relatively late occurance. Elsewhere on site, the presence of decayed daub is almost exclusively related to middle Saxon features.
A patch of buried soil (011CD05435) was recorded on the south edge of the area and three of the enclosure ditches (011CD07107, 011CD07108 and 011CD07110) cut through it.